v1.5 user manual


Reference Guide

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Creating an new object database
Deleting an object database
Opening an object database
Renaming an object database
Deleting a list database
Renaming a list database
Assigning a list database

Adding a note to an object
Attaching a sketch to an object
Closing object form without saving
Copying an object as a template
Creating a new empty object
Deleting an object
Deleting a sketch
Filtering the object list
Going back in object history
Going forward in object history
Going to a matching object
Opening an object
Saving a copy of the current object as a new object
Saving an object and returning to the object list
Saving an object without closing the object form
Sorting the object list
Turn on help mode

Changing the order of the field list
Clearing a field line
Creating a global field
Deleting a global field
Editing a field note
Inserting a field line
Renaming a global field
Selecting a global field from the fields list
Switching the field buttons

Adding an item to a fields item list
Deleting a list item
Renaming a list item
Selecting an item from an item list
Sorting an item list
Sorting the field name list