v1.5 user manual


Reference Guide - Lists

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Adding an item to a global fields item list

In a line with a global field enter the item name into the entry field and tap the list managing button . An error message is displayed if an item with that name already exists in the list, otherwise the item will be added to the list. The dashed line below the item vanishes to indicate that the item is actually a link to a list.


Deleting a list item

Set the focus to the item (by tapping on the name) and then tap the list managing button . An item details dialog opens. Tap on . Deleting an item from a list means it will be deleted from all objects that use it.


Renaming a list item

Set the focus to the item (by tapping on the name) and then tap the list managing button . An item dialog opens where the new name can be entered. The new name appears in all objects that use the item.


Selecting an item from an item list

Tap on until the popup list buttons appear. Tap on the right in the appropriate line to popup the item list of the field and select an item.


Sorting an item list

The item lists can be sorted and displayed alphabetically. To sort the item list of a certain field set the focus to that field (by tapping on the name in the left column) and and tap the list managing button . A field details dialog opens. Use the check box to set the desired sort mode. The sorting will actually be performed next time you open the list.


Sorting the field name list

The list of field names can be sorted and displayed alphabetically. To do this choose 'Display field names sorted' from the 'Lists' menu which is available in the object list form as well as in the object form.